Five years ago, I remember watching "The
Secret History of Bra" on the National Geographic channel. The transition
from corsets to quirky brassieres was so interesting. Who would have
thought that brassieres could own such a highly-engaging story?
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Can you still breathe, girls?
Like shoes, a woman
can never have too many brassieres and at times, this is where the problem
comes in. How do you know your exact cup size? Which bra is appropriate for
certain occasions? What is the specialty of each brassiere brand?
I have my own shares
of terrible undergarment stories – bras that look horrible under fitted shirts
as well as bras that caused me backaches. This is why I’m happy to find out
about Brayola – the first and only bra network wherein women all over the world
can share insights about their loved brassieres. This is how Brayola works:
Brayola carries extensive brassiere brands
like Agent Provocateur, Wacoal, Marks & Spencer, Maidenform, Chantelle
Paris, Le Mystère, and Victoria’s
Secret. After setting up your profile, you will have your own virtual bra
closet that’s filled with recommendations appropriate for your size and needs.

Each time you add a
new bra to your closet, you get to earn 2 points. Actual purchase gives you 7
points and if you invite your friends to join Brayola, you will be awarded 3
points. If your points reach 100, Brayola will send you your favorite bra for free!
Another thing I admire
about Brayola is its ceaseless support for breast cancer awareness missions.
Purchase of participating brassieres will increase the donations to breast
cancer researches. With Brayola, you will discover your next favorite bra without
spending hours inside the fitting room!
To get your FREE
Victorian-inspired bra closet, you may visit Brayola for the creation of your exclusive
profile. The company likewise has a blog which is filled with appealing
brassiere news from Cosmopolitan’s controversial breast cancer campaign to bra
What’s your go-to
brassiere brand?