Happy 76th Birthday Mr. Men and Little Misses Creator Roger Hargreaves!

Today is supposedly the 76th birthday of Roger Hargreaves, the British writer and illustrator of the Mr. Men and Little Miss book series. To date, the books have 84 witty characters. Everything started in 1971 when Hargreaves was asked by his six-year-old son, "What does a tickle look like?" He immediately imagined a man with a huge grin, drew it, and as they say, the rest is history.

The first drawn character

With the books' trivial stories paired with cute illustrations, it's no wonder why Mr. Hargreaves' legacy still lives on worldwide. From toys, toiletries, DVDs, stationeries, novelty gifts, shirts down to digital applications, the Mr. Men and Little Misses truly made a great and adorable impact to kids and young-at-hearts.

My favorite characters are Little Miss Princess and Little Miss Prim. However, it's very difficult to find Hargreaves merchandises locally. I have one shirt though which I bought at Zara during my freshman year in college. 

Adam Hargreaves, Roger's son, now writes and illustrates the series and oh, he's the six year-old son who asked the magic question that started it all!

Who's your favorite Mister or Little Miss character?