Korea Diaries: “My Love from the Star” Exhibit

I find mysterious brooding guys endearing which is why I got hooked on My Love from the Star. The series follows the life of an alien professor whose glum notion about love changed when he met a self-absorbed actress.

The exhibit displays items from the Joseon Dynasty - the time when Do Min Joon first landed on Earth (he's more than 400 years old).

As I have previously admitted, I knew I had to book a flight to Korea when I found out about the My Love from the Star exhibit. The exhibit’s highlight is the chance to explore the couple’s units. 


Do Min Joon’s pad is all about immaculate flair! I like how minimalist yet elegant his home is.


His library is every bibliophile’s dream.

How I wish I have this nook too. Can you spot "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane?"

Cheon Song Yi’s unit, on the other hand, is far from Do Min Joon’s style. Her pad has an assortment of eccentric decors.

You can have your photo taken in the balcony where many of the couple’s heartfelt scenes took place. Remember the night Do Min Joon left Earth?

The whole set is so impressive that you can even book it for photo shoots. I saw samples of engagement photos taken in Do Min Joon’s grand library.


There’s a souvenir shop too which features several iconic things from the show like Cheon Song Yi’s sleeping mask.


My South Korea travel cheat sheet may be found here.